Municipal Government

Municipal Information

2025 Town Meetings

Town Council

Jim Bryson

Town: 403-935-4672
Roll: Mayor

Julie Sim

Town: 403-935-4672
Roll: Councillor

Nathanial Fleming

Town: 403-935-4672
Roll: Councillor

Lisa McAree

Town: 403-935-4672
Roll: Deputy Mayor

Kim Schmaltz

Town: 403-935-4672
Roll: Councillor

Town Administration – Roles and Contacts

Main Office

P.O. Box 100,
222-2nd Street
Irricana, AB T0M 1B0
Phone: (403) 935-4672
Fax: (403) 935-4270

Hour of Operation

Mondays to Thursdays
8:30 am – 4:30 p.m.
Closed from 
12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.

8:30 am – 1:30 p.m.

Report a Road Concern

Public Works
Phone: (403) 935-4672

Doug Hafichuk CAOChief Administrative Officer (CAO)
-Development Officer
-Safety Coordination/Emergency Management
-Economic Development Officer
Taxes & Utilitiesirricana@irricana.com403-935-4672
Brook SwansonCommunity Services Coordinator bswanson@irricana.com403-935-4600
Greg PerraultManager of Public Worksgperrault@irricana.com403-935-0361

Council Meeting Agendas & Minutes (2014-2024)

Agendas & Minutes 2022

Agendas & Minutes 2021

Agendas & Minutes 2017

Agendas & Minutes 2018

Agendas & Minutes 2016

Municipal Planning Commission Agendas & Minutes

Development & Planning Information

The hierarchy of documents within the Town of Irricana’s land use planning framework is established by the Municipal Government Act (MGA).

The MGA requires that each level is consistent with the level above and below it, and that the policies or regulations within planning document(s) at each level may be implemented by those below them in the decision-making process.

The MGA provides the legislative authority for municipal land use planning and decision-making, while the Alberta Land Stewardship Act (ALSA) regional plan (or Land Use Policies in their absence) provides broad-based policy directions and principles for municipal land use planning, which are affected through statutory plans and bylaws.

The statutory plans provide future direction for the development and use of lands at the fringe areas of the Town of Irricana’s boundaries (Intermunicipal Development Plans (IDP)), or within the whole Town of Irricana (Municipal Development Plans (MDP)), or small areas of the Town of Irricana in greater detail (Area Structure Plans (ASP)).

The Land Use Bylaw (LUB) regulates the use and development of land based on the policy directions of statutory plans, while the Subdivision and Development Regulation regulates subdivision planning in conjunction with the MGA, applicable statutory plans, and the Land Use Bylaw.

The policies, other bylaws and documents contain additional or specific requirements outside statutory plans and the LUB documents for reviewing and making decisions on applications for development permit and subdivision, either in general or for certain types of developments and subdivisions, or for developments and subdivisions at certain locations. Where there is a conflict or inconsistency between a higher-level planning document and a lower-level planning document, the higher-level planning document prevails to the extent of the conflict or inconsistency.

To support land use planning and decision-making, the Town of Irricana uses the following documents (as amended):

  1. Provincial
  • Municipal Government Act
  • Alberta Land Stewardship Act
  • Provincial Land Use Policies

2. Statutory Plans

3. Municipal Bylaws

4. Policies and Standards

  • City of Calgary Design Guidelines

Development Permit Notices

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