Contact Us & Frequent Questions


Monday – Friday
8:45am – 4:15pm
(Closed 12:30pm – 1:30pm)

Mailing Address

P.O.Box 100
222 – 2nd Street
Irricana AB, T0M 1B0


Phone & Fax

Phone: 403-935-4672
Fax: 403-935-4270

Garbage / Recycling

Garbage and Recycling is picked-up every alternating Friday between 7:00am and 7:00pm. Pick-ups may happen over stat holidays but can be moved to the previous Thursday with notice from the Town Office. A list of blue bin acceptable items can be found on the Community Information Tab.
The Town also offers Tags for sale at the Town office for additional garbage pick-up, each tag costs $5.00 each and can only be used on bagged garbage only. The Tag-A-Bag service is not available for recycling pick-up and will only apply to bags weighing up to a maximum of 30lbs each.

Utility Bills

Utility bills are mailed out every second month, from January, March, May, July, September and November. Bills are due at the end of each billing month with outstanding amounts charged a 2% late fee.

Pet License

License Registration is required at an annual fee as outlined in the Towns Animal Control Bylaw (#001:2017). Pet license renewals are due January 31st of each year, any payments made after this date will be doubled. Registrations forms can be located on the town website or picked up at the town office. Application fee’s very.


Permits are required for any changes or additions to an owners property for developments involving electrical, plumbing/gas, decks, garages, ext…
A permit is also required for any Home Based Business applications, a PDF file of the form can be located on the Community Information Page.

*Please Note, that the Town does not issue development permits for Electrical, Gas or Plumbing.*

Snow Plowing

Snow Plowing is done by our Public Works staff who do their best to ensure that the roads are passable for all vehicles. If you see snow removal equipment in your vicinity please take precautions to stay at least 10 meters clear as operators may not always see approaching vehicles. Roads are cleared on a priority base which is divided into one of four levels, a colour coded priority routes map can be located on the Community Information Page.

Priority One: Emergency Service, Arterial Roadways, 2nd Street/Main Street and 1st Avenue
Priority Two: Majority Residential Feeder Roads, 6
th Street and Madison Drive
Priority Three: Residential Roads, Cul-de-sac, Alleys
Priority Four: Municipal owned parking lots & Sidewalks

The Town has piled snow where I park in front of my House, what can I do about this?

The town will sometimes need the area in front of a residence for temporary snow storage. If your car is there we have no choice but to windrow around it. The best thing that you can do is have your vehicles off the street during any snow events until the town is able to clear the streets. Doing so helps increase the efficiencies and safety for all involved parties.


E-Billing allows you to have any bills and receipts emailed to a designated email without having to worry about misplaced physical copies, signing up can save $5.00 on your Utility non-metered Charges. Residence can sign-up for e-billing at the town office or by filling out the registration form that is posted on the website. Please be sure to print your email clearly before submitting. To discontinue service or make a change to your email, simply email your request to


Taxes are mailed out in late May and are due on June 30th each year, any amounts left outstanding after this point are charged a 6% late fee.

Business License

The Town of Irricana requires anyone who carries on, operates or advertises and business to have a valid business license as per the Business License Bylaw (#006:2021). Licenses must be renewed annually by January 31st of each year, some business may also require licensing through the Government of Alberta. Application forms can be located on the town website or picked up at the town office, application fee’s very.
Licenses are required for any Home Based, Commercial, Non-Resident/Contractors and Peddlers/Vendors.

Payment Options

Payments can be made by: Mobile Banking, E-Transfers, Telebanking, Cash, Cheque or Direct Debit. A drop slot is available for after hours use at the Town Office or can be mailed our PO Box 100.
We no longer accept Credit Card, Mastercard or Visa Card payments.

Sidewalk Snow Clearing

Along with maintaining snow removal on our streets, our Public Works staff are also responsible for sidewalk clearing in front of the Business sector on 2nd Street (Main Street), Bus stops and pathways.
Pathways along residential homes are under the responsibility of the home owner and it is their job to maintain it.

The plow truck came through and plowed snow in front of my driveway, what can I do about this?

In our efforts to clear the streets snow is plowed into the gutters. To minimize snow being pushed back onto the sidewalk, residents are asked to shovel the snow from sidewalks and driveways onto your lawns. During heavy snowfall large windrows may occur and may not be removed immediately, it is the residents responsibility to remove any windrows blocking access to your property.

🔥 A Fire Advisory is in effect for West/East Rocky View County, including Irricana, as of August 9, 2024


📝 FCSS Funding Applications are now OPEN for 2025! Deadline: November 1st, 2024.