Public Hearing: 2023 Irricana Land Use Bylaw


The Council of the Town of Irricana is considering Bylaw 007:2023, being a Land Use Bylaw governing the use and development of lands within the Town of Irricana.

A Public Hearing will be held at the Town of Irricana Office, 222 2 Street, Irricana, Alberta on Tuesday September 5, 2023 at 7:00pm.

Important Information

  1. Your response to this advertisement will be considered your consent to the public distribution of your written or verbal submission as part of the public record for the hearing.
  2. Anyone who believes they are affected by the proposed bylaw will be given an opportunity to be heard on the matters contained in the bylaw that is the subject of the hearing. 
  3. To be heard, attend the public hearing at the time, date, and location indicated.  If your verbal presentation includes a written component, you must bring 10 copies for distribution.  Oral submissions will be limited to 10 minutes.
  4. If you are unable to attend the public hearing, you may make a written submission on this bylaw.  Written submissions must be received by Wednesday August 30, 2023 at 1230pm to be included in the public hearing agenda.  Your name, address or legal land description, and the bylaw number must be clearly marked on your submission.
  5. Your written submission must be sent before the indicated deadline to the Chief Administrative Officer by one of these methods:
  • Mail or deliver to:  Chief Administrative Officer, Town of Irricana, PO Box 100, 222 – 2 Street, Irricana, Alberta, T0M 1B0;  OR
  • Email to with the bylaw number in the subject line (Submissions must be under 10MB)

Written submissions received after the deadline may not be accepted as part of the public hearing.

  1. Copies of the bylaw may be viewed on the Town of Irricana Website or inspected at the Town of Irricana Office from August 22, 2023 to September 5, 2023, excluding weekends and holidays, between the hours of 8:45am-12:30pm and 1:30pm-4:30pm.
  2. If you have any questions regarding the bylaw, please contact the Town of Irricana by email ( or telephone (403-935-4672).

What is a Public Hearing?

A Public Hearing is a formal event held by Government bodies, local authorities, or organizations to gather input and opinions from the public about a specific item. These hearings play a vital role in democratic societies by providing a platform for citizens to voice their thoughts, share their expertise, demonstrate support or opposition, and influence the decision-making process.

What happens at a Public Hearing?

  1. Call to Order: The Meeting Chair will call the Public Hearing to Order and introduce the item for discussion (e.g., To gather public input on a proposed statutory bylaw).
  2. Presentations: Stakeholders, experts, or officials may be asked to present information about the item under consideration.
  3. Public Testimony: This is the core of a Public Hearing. Members of the public who wish to share their views are given an opportunity to speak and are allocated a specific amount of time (e.g., 10 minutes) to express their thoughts. 
  4. Closing Remarks: The Public Hearing concludes with closing remarks from officials and an acknowledgement of the public’s input.
  5. Adjournment: The Meeting Chair will adjourn the Public Hearing.

What is Council’s role at a Public Hearing?

Council is expected to be open-minded and listen objectively to what the public has to say.  Although limited discussion may take place (e.g., Clarify a presenter’s comment or ask a question of Administration), a Public Hearing isn’t a place for decision-makers to debate ideas – that comes later.

How do I participate in a Public Hearing?

It’s important for decision-makers to hear from constituents, and it’s the right of any affected party to have their voice heard. There are two ways to participate:

  1. In-Person:  Those wishing to speak can register to do so and will be called by the Meeting Chair to share their thoughts.
  2. In Writing:  Those who cannot attend in person (or perhaps may not feel comfortable speaking in public) are encouraged to share their thoughts in writing. Written submissions are included in the agenda package.

How do I Register to Participate in the Public Hearing on September 5, 2023? 

When registering to participate, you will be asked to provide your name and address (municipal or legal) and this information will be included in the public record. You will also be asked to provide contact information (telephone and/or email address) however this information is not shared publicly.

In Person: Registering to present can be done by contacting the Town Office (403-935-4672 / and asking to be included on the list of presenters, or, by stopping at the Town Office (222 2 Street) and registering in person.  The deadline to register is September 5, 2023 at 1230pm.

In Writing: Written submissions must be received by Wednesday August 30, 2023 at 1230pm in order to be included in the agenda package.  To submit your thoughts, please:

  1. Mail or deliver your submission to the Chief Administrative Officer, Town of Irricana, PO Box 100, 222 2 Street, Irricana, Alberta T0M 1B0;  OR
  2. Email to with the bylaw number (007:2023) in the subject line.  Submissions must be 10MB or less.

It’s important to remember that your comments are part of the public record and are attributable to you

It’s also important to clearly state whether you support or oppose the item being presented.  It’s understandable to be in favour of some portions and opposed to others, but it’s very important for decision-makers to understand your general position.

What happens after a Public Hearing?  Once a Public Hearing has been adjourned, Council may not consider any further public input. This doesn’t mean that individual Councillors can’t gather new information, it simply means that those comments can’t be formally recognized by Council or be included in the public record.

After the public hearing is complete, Council may choose to:

  1. Pass the bylaw (as written or with amendments)
  2. Defeat the bylaw
  3. Postpone consideration of the bylaw to another date.

❄️😇 SNOW ANGELS ARE NEEDED! Register to become a Snow Angel, or request the assistance of one!


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