Tax Installment Payment Plan (TIPP)

Effective January 1, 2025, Town of Irricana ratepayers can enroll in the Tax Installment Payment Plan (TIPP), allowing them to pay their annual property tax bill over the course of an entire year. The program is managed in accordance with the Tax Installment Payment Plan (TIPP) Bylaw (Bylaw 007:2024) and provides ratepayers with a convenient, predictable, and reliable way to ensure their property taxes are always up to date.

Participation in TIPP is entirely voluntary, and property taxes can still be paid using other conventional methods.

Benefits of TIPP

Convenience: Pre-authorized payments are automatically withdrawn each month and applied to the tax account. TIPP eliminates the need for post-dated cheques, manual electronic transfers, large cash payments, or third-party property tax collection.

Pay Over Time: TIPP breaks annual property tax payments into 12 smaller predictable amounts, eliminating the need to make a single large lump sum payment each year.

No Penalties: By participating in TIPP, ratepayers can have confidence that their annual property taxes have been paid and avoid the risk of penalties or interest.

Participating in TIPP

Enrolling in TIPP

Enrolling in TIPP is easy, and ratepayers are always encouraged to contact the Town Office with questions.

1. Confirm Eligibility

All registered property owners are eligible to participate provided that:
a) There is no existing debt to the municipality (e.g., Outstanding property taxes from previous years)
b) The applicant has not defaulted on a payment agreement with the Town in the previous 24-months.

2. Gather Required Information

Some basic information will be needed to complete the enrollment, including:
a) Property Tax Roll Number, found on a property tax bill or by contacting the Town Office.
b) Banking Details, including account number, branch number, and transit number.
c) VOID Cheque / Direct Deposit Form, available from the financial institution.

3. Complete and Submit the Enrollment Form

Enrollment forms are available on the Town’s website ( or at the Town Office.

a) Fill in the Enrollment Form

  • Monthly installments are calculated by dividing the property taxes owing by the number of months remaining in the calendar year. Please contact the Town Office.
  • Please remember to sign and date the form as unsigned enrollment forms cannot be processed.

b) Deliver the Enrollment Form to the Town of Irricana:

  • In person at the Town Office
  • By Mail at PO Box 100, 222 2 Street, Irricana, AB T0M 1B0
  • By Email at (Please indicate TIPP in the subject line)

Please remember to include a copy of a VOID Cheque or Direct Deposit Form. Enrollment Forms received less than 10 days before the end of the month may be delayed until the following month.

4. Confirmation of Enrollment and Details

The Town of Irricana will process Enrollment Forms and provide written confirmation of enrollment details prior to the first pre-authorized payment. Payments are withdrawn on the first business day of each month.

If enrollment occurs after January, payments are adjusted to reflect the months remaining in the calendar year. Payments are automatically adjusted each year to align with the current tax levy.

Updating Banking Details or Cancelling TIPP Participation

Banking details can be updated by contacting the Town Office directly (403-935-4672 / and providing updated information, including a VOID Cheque or Direct Deposit Form.

Participation in TIPP can be cancelled at any time by completing an Enrollment Cancellation Form, available on the Town’s Website ( or at the Town Office. Please note that outstanding property taxes become due upon cancellation.

Whether updating banking information or cancelling participation in TIPP, please submit changes at least 10 business days prior to the next scheduled payment.

Register by December 16th to start the TIPP Program for January, 2025!

❄️😇 SNOW ANGELS ARE NEEDED! Register to become a Snow Angel, or request the assistance of one!