Playground Opening(s)

At the June 1st Council Meeting, a decision was made to open Irricana Playgrounds, (NOT Splashpark).  Please note that these facilities are not sanitized by the Municipality, and using playgrounds does have some risks, therefore, individuals should take precautions, which is also outlined in the Alberta Government’s Covid-19 website Information, some of which are as follows:

  1. Gathering Restrictions:  Playground users must comply with gathering restrictions
  2. Physical Distancing: Maintain a 2 meter distance between individuals not from the same household
  3. Caution: Should be taken around playground equipment
  4. Symptons:  Do not use playground if you are sick or show signs related to COVID-19
  5. Hand Hygiene:  Practice proper hand washing, avoid touching your face, carry and use hand sanitizer

Splash Park:  At this time, the Lions Splash Park will remain Closed until further Notice.

For more information on Relaunch Guidelines for Playgrounds, please log into the Alberta Government’s website.

🔥 A Fire Advisory is in effect for West/East Rocky View County, including Irricana, as of July 10, 2024


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